Customer Testimonials

Gahanna Heating & Cooling has been in business for over 40 years

Serving our customers in and around Central Ohio

My installation was done yesterday and The two guys that were here doing installation did a great job and I greatly appreciate the service The installation of my furnace was done fast. I was working Ronnie during this process.

- Thomas B.

Today, you put in a new air conditioner and water heater. Your staff is very professional and do quality work. I would highly recommend your company. Thanks!

- Pam S

Gahanna Heating & Cooling is a quality organization willing to give back to the community.

- Side Effects, Inc. / Lois Madrie

Thank you so much for fixing our furnace and keeping our home warm these winter months. We are truly grateful. You are a great company. God Bless!

- Marsha D.

We were going to go through our home warranty, but we ended up going with you because we wanted someone we can trust.

- Frank & Amy C

We loved dealing with you guys.

- Dean M

I just wanted to call and thank you because even though an issue came up you guys were always there, responsive, and timely.

- Dave P

Gahanna Heating & Cooling is the only HVAC company allowed in my house.

- Caroline A

Thanks for being so easy to deal with.

- Tiffany C

The key is under the mat.

- Amy B

I'm going to have you guys do my mom's house too.

- Stephanie K.

I had to call and confirm the financing offers because I thought they were too good to be true.

- Michael S.

Thanks for turning a bad situation into a good experience.

- Bob R.

Ray warned me a few years ago that my air conditioner was on its last leg so I was more prepared when it quit this summer.

- Aileen H.

I called several contractors to get my hvac unit fixed. I call it hvac instead of furnace because I am in a loft downtown and the hvac is rooftop. Several companies passed up the request for service since it required the complexity of digital entry, an elevator and extension ladder. Gahanna responded quickly & did a nice job. The tech was pleasant and thorough.

- Greg V.

I want to thank Gahanna Heating & Cooling for helping me with my DSS (dirty sock syndrome) this was the only company that 'listen' to what I was saying. Ronnie who works for them was wonderful, he did research and help me fine a solution to my problem and IT WORKED! Our house was making us sick and I will be forever grateful for your help and time you put into helping me with this problem. I would recommend this company to everyone I know...Thanks again!!

- Diane S.

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